Mijn Proposal - Reisverslag uit Rotterdam, Nederland van SandrarensintanzaniaPerfectcollege - WaarBenJij.nu Mijn Proposal - Reisverslag uit Rotterdam, Nederland van SandrarensintanzaniaPerfectcollege - WaarBenJij.nu

Mijn Proposal

Door: Sandra Rens

Blijf op de hoogte en volg

05 November 2012 | Nederland, Rotterdam

Omdat het allemaal niet helemaal goed in het boek komt, nog even een tekst dubbel....maar wel erg interessant;

Proposal Sandra Rens
Country: Tanzania
Location: Buswela, Mwanza district

Organization: Perfectus College for Tourism and Hotel Catering

Information about organization:
The Perfectus College for Tourism and Hotel Catering was started in 2008 by the in Mwanza born Perfect Elias. The mission is to ensure the empowerment of young people from a poor or neglected background, so that they can become financial independent and active in society.

The founder of the College, Perfect Elias, has an experience and educational background both in the education sector as well as in the tourism industry. This combination makes him a knowledgeable source for the students. The College is situated in the Buswelu area (8 km from Mwanza town) which enables the College to actually build the school instead of renting buildings. Its infrastructure comprises of an administration block, a computer room, 6 classrooms, a hall, two dormitories, a toilet building and a staff quarter. Buswelu being a fairly rural area, also gives the students the opportunity to experience vegetation, birds, and the Sukuma culture, whilst the school and village can still be accessed with the local transport (daladala) from Mwanza town. The Perfectus College is an association based on stake holders: the teachers (with connections in the tourism and hotel braches), parents of the students, and the community. The stake holders support the College with housing, food and other services.

The College is registered under VETA (Vocational Education Training Act), an umbrella organization for vocational training institutions in Tanzania. VETA was enacted by the Parliament in 1994 to guide the vocational education and training (VET) system in Tanzania. The Act established the Vocational Education and Training Authority (VETA) as an autonomous government agency charged with an overall responsibility of Coordinating, Regulating, Financing, Providing and Promoting vocational education and training. For more information see website: www.veta.go.tz

The College offers a two year education for students in tourism and hotel catering. The College prepares students for jobs in the tourism branch: safari guides, reservation officers, receptionists, housekeeping and catering staff.

The students are offered a two year program. The first half year is used for learning English. Other subjects are: basic French, basic computer skills, office management, communications, bookkeeping, East-African bird- and wildlife, East-African culture, first aid, catering. There are 6 teachers, 157 first year students and 21 second year students.
Most of the students are from outside the Mwanza Region where chances of enrolment in colleges or vocational trainings are very limited. The educational background of the students is primary education (raging from standard 7 to form 4). The school has also incorporated some disabled students to educate and empower them. All students study full time and they don’t have to work. The College also organises field visits and in training jobs, so they will gain working knowledge and experience. The teachers also work within the tourist and hotel sector in Mwanza.

Tour company
The College runs her own safari company named: Perfectus Tour company Safari. They arrange safaris to the famous Serengeti National Park, Ngorogoro Crater and other national parks in East-Africa. They offer custom made programs. The students are provided with opportunities to gain experience in tour guiding, and they learn how to be a tour guide for foreign tourists.

Background Mwanza
Mwanza is the second largest city in Tanzania and has a population of about 380,000. Mwanza is located in the northwest of Tanzania and an important port on the southern shore of Lake Victoria, which is the second largest freshwater lake in the world. Mwanza is the cultural centre of the Sukuma, the largest ethnic group in Tanzania.
The economy in Mwanza Region is dominated by small agriculture (employing 85% of the region’s population) and by an expanding fishing sector. The region has traditionally been one of Tanzania’s main producing areas for cotton. For the past two decades cotton production has declined basically due to low profitability and inefficient marketing arrangements. Tourism is growing in the area, because of the beautiful surroundings and its proximity to the various national parks. The region, especially outside the city of Mwanza, lacks many facilities, such as good schools and good health care. For more information about the College see: www.perfectustourismcollege.com

Areas of needs of expertise
The College is still a young and growing local organization with a great demand for expertise and knowledge. Since the students are educated to work in the tourism sector which is almost a 100% focused on international tourists, professional volunteers from abroad are very much appreciated. Furthermore the organization is very open for improvements and open to learn.
The College has indicated that they would like your support in the following:
1) Advise on Human Resource, procedures and administration. Since the organization is growing fast there is a need to have a look at HR, basic tools and administration present within the organization. Perfect has indicated that maybe the best would be to start from zero, to analyse what is there, to analyse the needs and to develop policy, procedures and administration.
If there is time and you are interested there is always a need for the following:
2) Provide workshops to students (training on the job) about basic computer use.
3) Assisting teacher in making video´s.

Toelichting People4Change
De Perfectus College is sinds kort na de oprichting een partner van People4Change. Het is een jonge organisatie die in ontwikkeling is en in de laatste 2 jaren een grote groei in het aantal studenten heeft doorgemaakt. De organisatie staat open ten aanzien van het ontvangen van professionele vrijwilligers en is open om te leren en in kennis te delen. Perfectus, de oprichter, heeft jarenlange ervaring in ontwikkelingsprojecten. Hij heeft zelf voor een aantal NGO’s gewerkt (o.a. als docent) en hij heeft ook projecten opgezet. Hij heeft zelf ook een klein toeristenbureau, dat vooral is gericht op culturele uitwisseling. Perfect heeft één jaar in Nederland gestudeerd. Hij is een van de medeoprichters van het College, hij adviseert hen en geeft zelf ook les.
Het leuke aan deze organisatie is dat het jong en volop in ontwikkeling is waardoor je bij veel van de activiteiten van de organisatie betrokken zal zijn. Doordat de studenten intern zijn en de opdracht ook mogelijkheden biedt voor basis computerles en eventueel andere lessen heb je ook de mogelijkheid om direct met de doelgroep te werken.
Indien de organisatie je aanspreekt zullen we in de voorbereidingen naar de uitzending toe de verwachtingen afstemmen en proberen de opdracht concreet te maken. Er zal weinig tot niks liggen op het gebied van HRM en het gaat met name om het adviseren en wellicht ontwikkelen van enkele basis HR procedures en administratie.
Ook is de organisatie op de hoogte van jouw fotografie passie en werk. In overleg ter plekke kan het interessant zijn voor de organisatie om mooi en goed fotomateriaal te hebben.
De periode van uitzending is verder met de organisatie af te stemmen. Zij weten dat jouw voorkeur uitgaat naar februari 2013.

De College zal de accommodatie verzorgen voor de duur van jouw uitzending. Details hierover zullen later bekend worden.

Als het project en de opdacht je aanspreken dan zullen we de volgende stappen zetten:
1) Afstemmen exacte periode.
2) Boeken van het ticket.
3) Voorbereiden van de opdracht: stellen van doelen, doorspreken verwachtingen en gewenste eindresultaat etc.
4) Informatieverstrekking over logistieke zaken zoals visum, vaccinaties etc en praktische informatie over Tanzania.
5) Interculturele training. Nader vast te stellen.
6) In werking stellen van de 360 graden feedback meting.

Dan ben je ENTHOUSIAST, BLIJ, BENIEUWD en ga je er gewoon voor, dus wordt alles voor mijn uitzending naar Tanzania in gang gezet.....

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Actief sinds 07 Jan. 2013
Verslag gelezen: 1771
Totaal aantal bezoekers 16296

Voorgaande reizen:

26 Januari 2013 - 27 Februari 2013

Project Perfectus College in Tanzania

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